Meet Kenny
It's been awhile since I've blogged but never you fear, I am back and this time with a big one! I'd like to introduce everyone to Kenny, the deformed white tiger living at the Turpentine Creek Wildlife Refuge in Eureka Springs, AR.

He is the product of what they call "captive-breeding" which means incest. Yes folks, his parents were brother and sister. I wouldn't expect much less from Arkansas, I just didn't think the stereotype would carry over to the Zoo population.
I haven't been to a zoo in quite some time and decided to remind myself of what a normal tiger would look like-

According to the information I was able to get, there is a white tiger shortage and in order to boost their numbers they have been having to do this. It's a nice attempt but when are people going to realize we don't control nature. We understand genetics, however, enough to know you don't mate with family members so what the hell was going on down there?
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