Happy Halloween
It's Halloween and I've basically spent tonight writing a research paper that's due on thursday. I like to wait until the last possible minute because then I have more to complain about and I'm less likely to procrastinate any further. I just realized that I have FearNet on demand which means I will be more demented than usual at the end of the week because I plan to watch everything they have to offer. In other news November 6th I will be competing in the Catch a Rising star College Comedy contest...yes, say that three times fast. If I beat out the schmucks here at Rowan then I will get to compete in AC which will be video taped! So, let's hope my comedy career gets going finally. Hope everyone had a nice Halloween, feel free to give me any left over candy...
I found this on the anti douche bag myspace site, I thought it's ridiculousness should be passed on and if you have time, check out the page it's pretty funny www.myspace.com/njdouche I noticed a few of my friends went as guidos for halloween, let me know how the tubes of orange face cream went haha.

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