I am currently suffering major senior-itis and it's raining. All I want to do is have a nice meal containing some sort of meat and potatos and watch a classic horror film. Yet instead I am eating a frozen burrito and smelling the burnt dog food the Indians are cooking downstairs.
Speaking of Horror films, have you ever seen a horror-porn? I once did and let me tell you- it's horrifyingly gay. It's kind of like the movie Hostel, which came out a few months ago. That movie was 70% sex, 30% torturous killing and 100% bad acting. The whole time I watched it I wasn't sure if I was supposed to be turned on or scared. The main feeling I got is summed up best with this phrase, "This world is a fucking shithole". I know, I know- I took a poetry class.
I saw there are several new movies out that look pretty good. Those are; man of the state, texas chainsaw massacre, employee of the month and jackass 2. I also saw a preview for the santa claus 3 due sometime in November- I also must see that. Rumor had it that there would be a 3d version of Nightmare before xmas released in late October, if this rumor is false I will punch babies. So for your childs sake, you better pray it's coming out.
I have an exam tomorrow, its time to study. I leave you with this thought:

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