The great laundry dilemma

Another weekend is done and life as I know it is relatively the same. I had a really awkward moment earlier and it's caused me to pose the question- is it weird to fold someone else's laundry? I've consulted with a few friends about this and got some pretty mixed reviews. Gina and I share the laundry room with the four people who live downstairs. Usually when I start a load of laundry I kill the wait time by going back upstairs and doing other things but sometimes I forget about the laundry. Obviously I shouldn't monopolize the laundry room with my wardrobe, but when the people downstairs are jerks! Instead of putting my clothes in the dryer so that they can do a load, I usually go back down to discover my wet clothes on the dirty basement floor. This annoys me, it takes the same about of effort to move my clothes to the dirty floor as it would to move them to the dryer, no? This exact scenario happened today! I went down and there my clothes were, wet and dirty on the floor (sigh, such great adjectives in such horrid context) I waited patiently for one of those douche bags to come get their clothes and no one showed. This is where the dilemma came in- what do I do with the person's clothes? Should I have thrown them on the floor out of spite to show them what it feels like? Should I have put them ontop of the dryer to wrinkle?
I chose to fold them. This wouldn't have been so awkward if the guy didn't come downstairs and find me mid-fold of his girlfriends pants. He said thank you for folding them but he looked scared, as if he had waited another second longer to come downstairs I'd be sniffing everything. I told him I decided to fold the clothes because I know how it feels to have my clothes thrown to the side to wrinkle or worse, thrown on the floor wet. Of course he had no knowledge of how the clothes magically got from the washer to the floor. So, will I now be known as the nice helper or the creepy girl who folds other people's laundry?
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