Holiday magic and a cake surprise
Ah good! I haven't posted lately because wanted me to sign up for some google account and then switch all my stuff over to there. Needless to say I was too lazy but I have an abundance of time to kill today so I'm back! Who missed me? Yeah, whatever. I'm happy that nothing looks different about blogspot despite their google trickery because I'm a creature of habit and once I learn how to use a website I don't want any changing abouts going on.
Well, here is the update everyone has been anxiously awaiting. The holy day of my birth has come and passed for yet another year. Feb 10th should be a national holiday for behold a great blogger has been born. This day is not only used to mark another year of my life but also to serve as a remind to my parents that they missed the abortion train long, long ago. I celebrated by drinking heavily and until I vomitted. I felt there was no other way to better mark the occasion. I'd like to thank Matt for baking me a pink cake with pink icing. It not only added more love to my hips but also more love in my heart.
Valentines day was yesterday and like majority of single people, I used this opportunity to ridicule my friends in relationships and to leave myspace messages of hatred. I always hear people giving the 'its just a made up holiday' speech but aren't all holidays made up? Why is it that valentines day is the most protested 'made up' holiday? The other is "its just a dumb excuse to get presents, if you love someone what does it matter", also false because everyone likes presents. I notice these statements never come from coupled up douche bags, it always comes from bitter unattractive singles who buy themselves chocolate and watch seinfeld instead. I was almost one of these people until i received a dinner invitation. I accepted because crying alone into a bowl of ramen soup wasn't the image I wanted to project to my roommate who just got a dozen roses and a teddy bear. We went to La Tuscana and it was quite tasty. As we were leaving some old creepy guy said we all looked too nice to leave without taking a photo. I thought maybe he wanted to steal some cameras or just masturbate to us later, but he turned out to be an okay guy. Here's the 'everyone act like you don't hate each other and valentines day' shot...

We're all at the height of attractive. I'm holding my left overs which were quite enjoyable today. Who says nothing good comes from holidays?!
Since I should use this blog as a time reference for myself, Anna nicole died last week. She was a train wreck of immeasureable proportions but I liked her still the same. May she rest in peace and may someone get her a pill shaped coffin, I think she'd really like that.
Until next time, try not to kill yourself.
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