The mind of Barbie

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Types and attraction; a painfully sordid affair

It's pretty amusing to me that right after the artsy type, I attract the unstable. I have to say that unstable is paired with all 'types' when it comes to my dating life! Why do the weird-o's always want to date me? Perhaps we attract what we are.

What type of person do you attract?
Your Result: You attract artsy people!

Those free spirited artists with great imaginations find you interesting. They are usually interesting themselves, so its not a bad thing, but they CAN be a bit wifty and choose odd goals. If you like life to always be a bit 'different' from the norm, but not too extreme in any one direction, these are the people for you. If you seek logical decision making skills and good money management, you may want to change something in the way you appear. Artsy people are fun for adventure and exploring, so, have fun! (smoking weed helps too)

You attract unstable people!
You attract geeks!
You attract Yuppies!
You attract models!
You attract rednecks!
What type of person do you attract?
Quizzes for MySpace


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