The mind of Barbie

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Sarah Silverman Sucks, Seriously! 10x fast

Okay, I have cooked up a lot of interesting topics to delight you with lately but I feel that this particular matter takes presidence over the others.

That's right, Sarah Silverman and the assholes who decided to give her a tv show.

I've had the misfortune of catching her show several times on comedy central while clicking through and I have to say that for a station that prides itself on comedy, they have successfully created an abomination on everything they stand for. She is so unfunny and it pains me to know shes getting paid for it. I looked up clips from youtube to demonstrate how awful it is but I found a song she did earlier called, "I could write a show." In response- Yes Sarah, yes you can write a show...but no, not a good one.

I literally laughed out loud "LOL" when she sang "if I had my own show everyone would think it bites." That is blatent foreshadowing that comedy central chose to ignore and should be shamed with. I think her break down of what the star of the show 'should be' really got lost in translation, not to mention shes completely fucking delusional. I just wanted to share my hatred with the public.

I will go absolutely insane if I see one or any of the following:

A- her show on dvd when Family Ties, a show that ruled, is still NOT on dvd yet (those Best Buy employees will feel my wrath)

B- a season 2 of this shit

C- Sarah Silverman fans, because for this show to have made it this far means she has a fan base somewhere and those people need to be publically beaten

I hereby do declare March 2nd 'I hate Sarah Silverman' day. I'd hope as my loyal reader you'd join me in this quest to put an end to unfunny people on comedy central but more importantly- an end to Sarah Silverman

I will try to post at least once a day this month, it's my goal.


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