National I.H.S.S day
The original Sarah Silverman post is farther down on the page but I wanted to blog again about this topic. I had posted a bulletin on myspace expressing my feelings towards Sarah and the show and I was genuinely surprised by the amount of feedback I received of people agreeing with me that she sucks at life. In fact, I just got 3 more emails saying they hate her. I hope that someday people all across the world will celebrate 'National I hate Sarah Silverman' Day. People need to know, they aren't alone in their hatred...someone else out there is just like them; sitting at home in their pajamas, unshowered and unemployed searching for something decent on television yet only finding shit like this. Well, I am here to take a stand!! Who's with me!?!?! *crowd cheering*

saying a few swear words after blurting something stupid doesn't make it funny. it makes it down right retarded.
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