The mind of Barbie

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Bee ef ef el

I always hear girls saying they don't get along with other girls, I have put together a list of the different types of girls that make shitty friends. If your friend isn't on this list then carry on with the laughter and merry making.

1. The Ditcher- This is the girl who goes out with you to a bar or club, maybe even a house party, and ends up disappearing with some random guy. Then when you are sitting around waiting to leave, you are forced to make small talk with the guys ugly friends until your friend is done with mr toads wild ride. They are also famous for letting you "find your own ride home" after a party since they have peaced out like kirsty ally at a jenny craig meeting.

2. The Switcher- This is the girl who is known for switching plans last minute and is seemingly allergic to compromise. She makes plans with several friends all at once and then decides which offer of the night sounds best. You may have had plans with her for weeks and 10 minutes before you are supposed to leave it will be switched.

3. The Permanent Borrower- This person loves to ask you if they can borrow that. Can I borrow that I'll give it back to you next time I see you. Then five months later you see them with something of yours that they borrowed and they appear to be at a complete loss of memory as to who's it is.

An example conversation:
You: hey is that my jacket?
Her: This? oh i dont remember where i got it i've had it for so long
You: Nope, you definitely got that from me can i have it back?
Her: Oh yeah sure, actually can i still borrow it i'll give it back to you next time i see you

Repeat the conversation 5 more months later.

4. The Thief- Unlike the borrower, this person doesn't ask first. They may steal your make up or money but mostly they are stealing your boyfriends. As the old saying goes- where ever you see a girl puking at a party, you can bet somewhere her friend is hitting on her boyfriend. Never truer words spoken.

5. The Trash Talker- Let's face it, everyone is a trash talker because it's fun (as long as its not about you) But this is the girl who never has anything nice to say about anyone EVER. They scream and hug someone like a pig in heat full of glee and then turn around and tell you what a bitch the girl is. They are also famous for being confronted and acting shocked and appalled that you would suggest them of trash talking.

6. The Star This is the girl who is never happy unless she is the absolute center of attention. She will strip if she has to just to get the attention back on herself and much like Whoopi Goldburg on the view, it's painful to watch. She will often be combined with the trash talker category if the people are not receptive to her attention need.

7. The Sexy one- This is the girl who thinks she is the next Jessica Simpson. Although she may look more like OJ Simpson, she still doesn't see that. She will be the one to brag to you that every guy likes her and will insist that any guy who likes you must just be drunk or didn't see her yet. This girl will also more than likely carry around a mirror and full beauty kit. She is also the one who wants to go to the bathroom just to make a kissing face in the mirror while you are holding her purse.

8. The mouse- This is the girl who gets upset with you for something but will never confront you because they are too passive. You will have to read their blog just to find out what is going on and often it is combined with number 5 on this list. They will often tell you they don't like a certain guy thus forcing you to become an accidental number 4 and yes, that will also be in the blog.

9. The Worker- I've named this one the worker despite it having nothing to do with actual work. This is the girl who constantly has her cell phone out texting while you are out together. She is working her fingers on the keyboard all night and then giving you the bored look as if she were watching the clock at work waiting to go home. You start to wonder if you should hand her a time card to punch out of the friendship.

10. The Copy Cat- They say imitation is the highest form of flattery but realistically, it's the most annoying thing besides Sarah Silverman's stand up. This is the girl who buys everything you have and has the famous question- where did you get that? There are extreme cases of this where the girl will break up with her boyfriend when you do and get a boyfriend when you do. She might also be the type to day dream about you two getting pregnant at the same time and raising your kids as best friends. This day dream is usually done while wearing a shirt you recently purchased.

Hopefully you have learned a little more about the girls you let in your life because sometimes cutting people out is where it's at.


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