Barb's Book Bonanza
I haven't written a post in forever! Don't think I haven't thought about you everyday, though, my dearest blog. There have been so many ideas swirling around in my drunken mind and something recently came to me; why not put Oprah to shame with my own book club? Well, me being the only member doesn't necessarily constitute a club but it sure is a good start. I have recently been bestowed the great honor of a library card and have thus put it to use. I think a book review section is in order, don't you? Okay, I know what you are thinking. "Barb, a book report? Have you switched from vodka to crack?" No, I am here to give you my witty take on some pretty darn good reading material!
Dust off your library cards because it's time for BARB'S BOOK BONANZA!!
Okay, first batter up! Does this scene remind you of, well, you?

You can almost taste the desperation in the air! This calls for a book I recently picked up titled "It's called a breakup because it's broken" written by the very funny and talented Greg Behrendt and his wife Amiira Ruotola-Behrendt. Once you get past the impossible to spell last name, you'll realize these authors are fantastic.
In a short breakdown (No, not that kind of break down! There won't be any shaving of our heads or flashing of our vaginas, Britney!) this book helps you realize that you are being a complete loser over a complete loser! It gives you a lot of examples of the type of girl you are becoming and don't want to ever be with lots of letters written in by the broken hearted. Almost every page had me laughing out loud and realizing that I'd rather be single than chasing a complete dickwad. If you have any friends that are driving you up a wall with their complaints over a guy that you think should be burned at the stake, or at least castrated, then you might want to pick up this book for them too! You may remember Greg as the co-author of "He's just not that into you ". Apparently, this guy is straight. I know right, go figure! Despite being the gayest straight man alive, he does know a lot about relationships and if you want to know a lot too, then go buy this!
On a side note, I watched Greg promoting this book on The View not too long ago, holy smokes! He could not have wanted to hug and kiss those old hags more! I saw him go in not once, not twice, but three times to kiss Barbara Walters! Talk about uncomfortable and unnecessary.

I was also fortunate enough to get special footage from Greg showing me his trip into the studio where they film The View. He even threw in special footage of Barbara Walters dressing room!. Take a look.
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