The mind of Barbie

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Churchy McChurchster

I just wanted to make a formal announcement that I'm going to attempt to be a christian again. For the last 9 years I have been agnostic, borderlined atheist and out of no where I decided I'll try it out again. I really don't like fundamentalist christians though, so don't expect me to be throwing rocks at girls getting abortions or hating the gays! Born agains really piss me off too, this is going to be subtle and sweet. I also hate when people say they are going to pray for you, as if what you are doing isnt holy enough for them. It's the followers that destroy a religion.

And now for some random cuteness

Monday, November 27, 2006

Hello, old friend

RockYou FXText -

I know, I really have. Let me give the brief recap of my last week for those of you starved for Barb jargon. Thanksgiving was unusually pleasant this year, considering I ate dinner all alone. My family decided to let me sleep through dinner. Before you hand out pity, it was actually for the best. I didn't have to hear my mom make herself cry from reading a lame poem or hear my dad bitch about everyone touching the fork to their plate, 'too hard'. Every holiday is full of magic.

In other weekly events, I enjoyed many a'nights out since I had no classes to go to and had all the time in the world to recover from numerous hang overs. A particularly interesting one happened sunday morning. I awoke to discover I had vomitted all over myself and the bathroom. I also somehow managed to get syrup all over the house. This indicated that the night before was was either the greatest night of my life or a reinactment of an nysnc video gone horribly wrong. Either way, what I don't remember didn't happen.

Today I spent 7 hours in the science building studying for an exam that contained nothing I studied. Professors need to stop being such dipshit prima donnas and just tell you what to study instead of being so overly vague. "Study all of our class notes, and chapters 2 through 10". Great, thanks! Okay, I need to go take a hot shower and watch some mindless killing on my FearNet.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Love and Lame start with the same letter for a reason!

Okay, I know I said I'd only wield the blog power for good but today I've had a lot of pent up anger that not even my AA sponsor wants to hear about. (Yes, the sponsor thing was a joke, drunks don't go to meetings) Absolutely all of my friends are in relationships and I should be happy for everyone but I secretly wish their penis's and vaginas would close and shrivel and on dates they'd only be able to watch movies they hated. Maybe I'm jealous? Mostly I'm disgusted. Why do people radically change when they get in a relationship? They become this relationship blob, where there was once two awesome people, there is now a blob of boring alienating personality-less romance. Why do couples only like to do things with other couples? I'll tell you why! Because single people can see how disgusting they are and remind them of the days they were free thinkers. The days before their partner became their dictator ...partner, HAH! I laugh at that word. I am bitter, yes it's true. With due reason! If one more person calls or messages me to tell me how fucking happy and in love they are, I'm going to start tranquilizing you people like they do to horny animals in the zoo.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Dissection and Puke, Yum!

Yesterday was an interesting day for me, I would have posted about it yesterday but I was too busy trying not to throw up! I had the pleasure of dissecting a rat in lab and measuring it's intestines and cutting it's brain out. It wasn't so much the sight of guts and brains that bothered me, but the new embalming fluid they are using! It is the worst smell I've ever smelled and I literally gagged several times while doing the dissection. I'm not unfamiliar with bad odors either, not only my own but I've worked at group homes where I was basically an adult diaper changer and not even that smelled this bad! I had the smell in my nose all day and at random times felt like I was going to puke. Has anyone else had this happen? As for the rats insides, their hearts were surprisingly large considering how small everything else is including their lungs. It's small intestine was 72cm long, considering it's body was only 12 cm long that is a lot of guts! HAHA Okay, I found that amusing. So, in conclusion if I ever dissect something again remind me to bring a mask.

Anybody up for some lunch after lab?

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

I like dumb online quizzes

Your Five Factor Personality Profile


You have high extroversion.

You are outgoing and engaging, with both strangers and friends.

You truly enjoy being with people and bring energy into any situation.

Enthusiastic and fun, you're the first to say "let's go!"


You have low conscientiousness.

Impulsive and off the wall, you don't take life too seriously.

Unfortunately, you sometimes end up regretting your snap decisions.

Overall, you tend to lack focus, and it's difficult for you to get important things done.


You have medium agreeableness.

You're generally a friendly and trusting person.

But you also have a healthy dose of cynicism.

You get along well with others, as long as they play fair.


You have low neuroticism.

You are very emotionally stable and mentally together.

Only the greatest setbacks upset you, and you bounce back quickly.

Overall, you are typically calm and relaxed - making others feel secure.

Openness to experience:

Your openness to new experiences is high.

In life, you tend to be an early adopter of all new things and ideas.

You'll try almost anything interesting, and you're constantly pushing your own limits.

A great connoisseir of art and beauty, you can find the positive side of almost anything.

You Are a Peacemaker Soul
You strive to please others and compromise anyway you can.
War and conflict bothers you, and you would do anything to keep the peace.
You are a good listener and are willing to compromise to maintain balance.
However, sometimes you do too much and try too hard to make people happy.

While you keep the peace, you tend to be secretly judgmental.
You lose respect for people who don't like to both give and take.
Luckily, you've got a great sense of humor and wit, this helps you deal with situations you find less than satisfactory
You see the beauty and light in a negative situation.

Souls you are most compatible with: Warrior Soul, Hunter Soul and Visionary Soul
What Kind of Soul Are You?

Sunday, November 12, 2006

The great laundry dilemma

Another weekend is done and life as I know it is relatively the same. I had a really awkward moment earlier and it's caused me to pose the question- is it weird to fold someone else's laundry? I've consulted with a few friends about this and got some pretty mixed reviews. Gina and I share the laundry room with the four people who live downstairs. Usually when I start a load of laundry I kill the wait time by going back upstairs and doing other things but sometimes I forget about the laundry. Obviously I shouldn't monopolize the laundry room with my wardrobe, but when the people downstairs are jerks! Instead of putting my clothes in the dryer so that they can do a load, I usually go back down to discover my wet clothes on the dirty basement floor. This annoys me, it takes the same about of effort to move my clothes to the dirty floor as it would to move them to the dryer, no? This exact scenario happened today! I went down and there my clothes were, wet and dirty on the floor (sigh, such great adjectives in such horrid context) I waited patiently for one of those douche bags to come get their clothes and no one showed. This is where the dilemma came in- what do I do with the person's clothes? Should I have thrown them on the floor out of spite to show them what it feels like? Should I have put them ontop of the dryer to wrinkle?

I chose to fold them. This wouldn't have been so awkward if the guy didn't come downstairs and find me mid-fold of his girlfriends pants. He said thank you for folding them but he looked scared, as if he had waited another second longer to come downstairs I'd be sniffing everything. I told him I decided to fold the clothes because I know how it feels to have my clothes thrown to the side to wrinkle or worse, thrown on the floor wet. Of course he had no knowledge of how the clothes magically got from the washer to the floor. So, will I now be known as the nice helper or the creepy girl who folds other people's laundry?


Thursday, November 09, 2006

one word

One Word Survey

Not as easy as you may think.

1. Yourself: hilarious
2. Your girlfriend/boyfriend: indecisive
3. Your hair?: longer
4. Your mother?: moody
5. Your Father?: gay
6. Your Favorite Item : internet
7. Your dream last night: unknown
8. Your Favorite Drink: milk
9. Your Dream Car: mustang
10. The Room You Are In: school
11. Your Ex: devil
12. Your fear: death
13. What you want to be in 10 years: writer
14. Who you hung out with last night?: gina
15. What You're Not? sexy
16. Muffins: banana
17: One of Your Wish List Items: ipod
18: Time: 10
19. The Last Thing You Did: type
20. What You Are Wearing: shirts
21. Your Favorite Weather: autumn
22. Your Favorite Book: potter
23. The Last Thing You Ate: frozen
24. Your Life: silly
25. Your Mood: content
26. Your body: tired
27. Who are you thinking about right now? myself
29. What are you doing at the moment?: survey
30. Your summer: short

hey what happened to number 28? Speaking of words, my favorite word is cake, not just because its a delicious desert but because it's so awesome to hear and say. Spread the word.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

I'm not dead

This is typically what happens with every blog I start! I start out strong with posts on a daily basis until they begin to stagger off into a once a month thing. Sigh, much like my showering habits. You haven't missed much in the mind of barbie, however. Last night we celebrated my roommates 21st birthday by condoning alcoholism in group fashion. Long Island's are the only way to celebrate. I remember my 21st birthday. It was cold, it was dark and the only two friends who came out to celebrate with me asked me to buy them drinks because their cash was low. I too was low. Anyways, in other news
I've offically given up drinking for the next few weeks in an attempt to not be such a fat ass. This won't be an easy quest but once I'm skinny, the free drinks will be worth the wait. While on this diet I'll have to refrain from gorging on my favorite foods such as cheese, hot pockets with cheese and a loaf of bread with cheese. I might even throw a trip to the gym in there every once in awhile, ugh. No more eating children, either.