Hello again. I know that for most of my readers my cynical edge is what keeps them coming back but for my new readers, you may find that I am abrasive and judgemental, some may even say mean spirited. That's because making fun of others makes me feel better about myself. With that out of the way, lets people bash!
I was awake fairly early and found that none of my internet boyfriends were online yet so I decided to browse through the latest stories from CNN. I came across the story of a 450lb woman who was too fat to realize she was pregnant until a few days before the baby was due. Here's the link to the video, you have to sit through a lame commercial before the video plays and then click back to finish reading the crap I wrote about it:
http://www.cnn.com/video/player/player.html?url=/video/offbeat/2007/03/03/sotvo.ca.surprise.pregnancy.kabcWow, lets take a moment to re-group, there's just so much to make fun of! First of all, I have known many'a fattys in my day and none too fat to realize they are knocked up, but before I address that issue I'd like to take a moment to ask what the fuck was that 'friend' all about? Holy mangina! Whether it was the most feminine man or a butch woman is disputable, what is not is the fact that the cut off sleeved t-shirt look with semi-back fat showing is out. So very painfully out...
Now, I'd like to address the question thats weighing on everyones mind- who put their penis in her vagina? Instead of caring about this baby, shouldn't police be looking for the victims body?

Strap your boards on fellas, its sexy party time!
The baby didn't appear to be half black and usually those are the only guys willing to bang 450lb women. (All angry racial equality emails should be made out to- IdontCare.com)
Not only will that kid be raised by a woman who doesn't know when a living thing is in her body, but also by a woman seemingly without dental care. So, back to how someone wouldn't know they were pregnant. If that baby was kicking, did she not feel it or did she assume her dorrito cravings were just getting more persistent? This story just seems ridiculous to me. Chances are she didn't want to pay for medical assistance, although I'm pretty sure planned parenthood will help a sister out.
The only good to come out of this story is the hope that someday some guy out there will want to sleep with me as well. *sigh*

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